#0 LiSTEN LiSEC, the podcast about flat glass processing (Trailer)

Show notes

Outlook In monthly episodes, Sarah Hummelsberger (Marketing & Corporate Communications at LiSEC Austria GmbH) and Harald Miksch (Product Manager at LiSEC Austria GmbH) discuss trends, technologies and innovations from the glass processing industry. The first season offers a comprehensive overview of the core processes of flat glass processing. Future seasons will aim to build on this foundation with exciting discussions on developments in the industry and deep dives with customers, suppliers and partners!

4 reasons to subscribe to this podcast

  • Provides industry-specific insights and picks up on trends
  • Provides expert insights and analysis
  • Provides information to stay competitive in the flat glass industry
  • Creates a convenient way to keep up to date with developments in the industry

More about LiSEC

lisec #allinonesolutions #aios

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